
Don't Launch Blind: Top Product Metrics To Track For Success

This article covers the top product metrics that every founder and product manager should track to make informed decisions and drive product success. We discuss the different categories of metrics, the importance of choosing the right metrics, and how to use metrics to drive product decisions and build a metrics-driven product culture.

Don't Launch Blind: Top Product Metrics To Track For Success


A. Importance of Tracking Product Metrics

Hey there, fellow product managers! Ready to take your product management skills to the next level? Let's talk about product metrics. No, really. Tracking product metrics is the secret sauce behind successful products. It's the difference between a product that thrives and one that nosedives.

By measuring the right metrics, you can:

  • Understand user behavior
  • Identify pain points
  • Make data-driven decisions
  • Optimize product performance
  • Monitor progress toward your goals

In short, product metrics are your roadmap to success. So buckle up, and let's dive into this rollercoaster ride of numbers, charts, and insights!

B. Brief Overview of the Key Categories of Product Metrics

Before we start our journey, let's get familiar with the landscape. Product metrics can be grouped into five key categories:

  1. Acquisition - How are users finding your product?
  2. Activation - Are they signing up and experiencing the core value of your product?
  3. Engagement - How often and in what ways are users interacting with your product?
  4. Retention - Are they sticking around, or are they leaving faster than you can say "churn rate"?
  5. Monetization - Are you making money? Are your users converting into paying customers?

By monitoring these categories, you'll have a comprehensive view of your product's performance. But remember: not all metrics are created equal. In the upcoming sections, we'll help you choose the right metrics to track, avoid vanity metrics, and understand the difference between leading and lagging indicators.

So grab your favorite beverage, put on your thinking cap, and let's explore the fascinating world of product metrics together!

ARPU Product Metric
ARPU Product Metric

The 5 Categories of Product Metrics

Let's dive deeper into the five essential categories of product metrics. We'll break down each one, explain why they're important, and give you some examples to track for your product. Ready, set, go!

A. Acquisition

Acquisition metrics are all about how users discover your product. It's like a treasure hunt, and your product is the hidden gem. These metrics help you understand:

  • Which marketing channels work best
  • The effectiveness of your marketing campaigns
  • How to allocate your marketing budget wisely

Some popular acquisition metrics include:

  • Cost per acquisition (CPA): How much does it cost to acquire a new user through different marketing channels?
  • Organic vs. paid traffic: What's the ratio of users coming from organic searches versus paid advertising?
  • Conversion rate: What percentage of visitors actually sign up for your product?

B. Activation

Activation metrics focus on users' first interactions with your product. These metrics help ensure your onboarding process is smooth as silk and that users experience the "aha" moment when they realize your product is a must-have.

Key activation metrics to track:

  • Time to first key action: How long does it take for users to complete the most important action in your product (e.g., creating a project, making a purchase)?
  • Onboarding completion rate: What percentage of new users complete your onboarding process?
  • First-session conversion rate: How many new users convert into active users during their first session?

C. Engagement

Engagement metrics measure how often and in what ways users interact with your product. They help you answer the burning question: Are users really using your product, or is it just collecting digital dust?

Track these engagement metrics to find out:

  • Daily active users (DAU): How many users engage with your product daily?
  • Monthly active users (MAU): What about on a monthly basis?
  • DAU/MAU ratio: What's the ratio of daily active users to monthly active users? This metric gives you a sense of your product's "stickiness."
  • Session length: How long do users spend interacting with your product in a single session?

D. Retention

Retention metrics are all about keeping users around for the long haul. After all, what good is acquiring new users if they leave before you can say "please stay"?

Monitor these retention metrics to keep users engaged:

  • Churn rate: What percentage of users stop using your product over a given time period?
  • Retention rate: The flip side of churn rate—what percentage of users continue using your product?
  • Customer lifetime value (CLTV): How much revenue can you expect from a user over the course of their relationship with your product?

E. Monetization

Last but not least, let's talk about the moolah. Monetization metrics help you understand how well your product is generating revenue and converting users into paying customers.

Key monetization metrics include:

  • Average revenue per user (ARPU): How much revenue does each user generate on average?
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC): How much does it cost to acquire a paying customer?
  • CAC payback period: How long does it take to recoup the cost of acquiring a customer?
  • Conversion rate to paid: What percentage of users upgrade from a free trial or freemium plan to a paid plan?

With these five categories in your product metrics toolkit, you'll be well-equipped to make data-driven decisions and optimize your product's performance. But remember: it's essential to focus on the right metrics, avoid vanity metrics, and balance leading and lagging indicators. Stay tuned for the next sections, where we'll delve into those topics and more.

The Challenge of Choosing the Right Product Metrics

As a product manager or founder, you're probably swimming in data. The challenge lies in identifying the most valuable metrics for your product and not drowning in a sea of irrelevant numbers. Here's what you need to consider:

A. The vast amount of data available

With so many potential data points to track, it's crucial to identify the most relevant ones that align with your product goals and strategy.

B. Identifying the most valuable metrics for your product

Not all metrics are created equal. Focus on the ones that help you understand user behavior, drive product improvements, and ultimately, achieve your business objectives.

C. Balancing leading and lagging indicators

Make sure you're tracking both leading and lagging indicators to get a comprehensive view of your product's performance. We'll dive deeper into this concept in a later section.

Avoiding Vanity Metrics

Vanity metrics are the sirens of the product world: alluring, but ultimately leading you astray. They might make you feel good, but they don't help you make better product decisions.

A. Definition of vanity metrics

Vanity metrics are numbers that might look impressive on the surface but don't provide actionable insights or drive meaningful growth.

B. Examples of vanity metrics

  • Total downloads: Sure, it's great to see your app downloaded thousands of times, but how many users actually use it?
  • Page views: While it might be exciting to see your website get lots of traffic, are those visitors converting into customers?

C. Focusing on meaningful metrics for better product decisions

Replace vanity metrics with actionable metrics that can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your product's performance.

In the upcoming sections, we'll discuss leading vs. lagging indicators, provide a cheat sheet for product metrics, and share tips for measuring and analyzing your data. We'll also discuss the importance of tying metrics to product strategy, identifying warning signs, and taking action based on your product metrics. Stay tuned!

Leading vs. Lagging Indicators

When it comes to product metrics, it's essential to understand the difference between leading and lagging indicators. Think of them as the Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson of product analytics – each brings unique insights, and together, they help you solve the mystery of product success.

A. Definition and importance of leading indicators

Leading indicators are like a crystal ball, giving you an early glimpse into future performance. They help you identify trends and make proactive changes to your product before problems arise. Examples include:

  • Trial sign-ups: A sudden increase in trial sign-ups can indicate a surge in demand, signaling the need to prepare for onboarding and support.
  • Feature usage: If users are frequently engaging with a new feature, it's a sign that it might be a hit and should be promoted more.

B. Definition and importance of lagging indicators

Lagging indicators are like a rearview mirror, showing you the results of your past actions. They help you assess the effectiveness of your product strategy and make data-driven decisions. Examples include:

  • Churn rate: A high churn rate suggests that users aren't finding value in your product, indicating a need for improvements.
  • Revenue: Tracking revenue growth over time helps you measure the financial success of your product.

C. Balancing both types of indicators for better product performance

To get the most comprehensive view of your product's performance, you need both leading and lagging indicators. It's like having a superhero duo fighting for your product's success:

  • Batman (Leading Indicators): The proactive hero, constantly on the lookout for potential issues and opportunities.
  • Superman (Lagging Indicators): The reactive hero, swooping in to analyze past performance and guide future strategy.

By balancing both types of indicators, you'll have a powerful team of metrics to optimize your product and drive success.

Cheat Sheet for Product Metrics

Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up and prepare for the ultimate cheat sheet for product metrics! With this trusty guide, you'll become a product analytics pro in no time. Let's dive into the six key categories of metrics every product manager should track.

A. Acquisition Metrics: Making a Grand Entrance

Acquisition metrics measure how well you're attracting new users to your product. Think of it as rolling out the red carpet for potential customers. Key metrics include:

  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): The average cost to acquire a new user. Lower is better, unless you're buying caviar.
  • Organic vs. Paid Traffic: The ratio of users who find your product through search engines or word of mouth vs. paid advertising. A healthy mix is ideal.

B. Activation Metrics: Turning Visitors into Users

Activation metrics evaluate how effectively you're turning curious visitors into engaged users. It's like convincing party guests to hit the dance floor. Key metrics include:

  • Time to First Key Action: How long it takes a new user to perform a significant action (e.g., creating a project). Shorter is better.
  • Activation Rate: The percentage of users who complete the desired action after signing up. Higher is better, just like your dance moves.

C. Engagement Metrics: Keeping Users Hooked

Engagement metrics analyze how often and how deeply users interact with your product. It's like measuring the quality of conversations at a cocktail party. Key metrics include:

  • Daily Active Users (DAU) vs. Monthly Active Users (MAU): The ratio of daily to monthly active users. A higher ratio suggests a more engaged user base.
  • Session Duration: The average length of time users spend in your product. Longer is better, unless you're talking about dentist appointments.

D. Retention Metrics: Keeping Users Coming Back for More

Retention metrics measure how well you're keeping users around after their initial interaction with your product. It's like ensuring guests return to your future parties. Key metrics include:

  • Churn Rate: The percentage of users who stop using your product within a given time period. Lower is better, just like crime rates.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): The total revenue you can expect from a user during their time with your product. Higher is better, like your savings account balance.

E. Monetization Metrics: Show Me the Money!

Monetization metrics evaluate how effectively you're generating revenue from your product. It's like collecting ticket sales at a blockbuster movie premiere. Key metrics include:

  • Average Revenue Per User (ARPU): The average amount of revenue generated per user. Higher is better, like your credit score.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of users who become paying customers. Higher is better, just like your chances of winning the lottery.

F. North Star Metric: The Guiding Light for Product Success

The North Star Metric is the single metric that best represents the value your product delivers to users. It's like a compass guiding your product strategy. Examples include:

  • For a ride-sharing app: Number of rides completed per week.
  • For an e-commerce platform: Gross merchandise volume (GMV) sold per month.

With this cheat sheet in your back pocket, you're now armed with the essential product metrics needed to make data-driven decisions and drive your product towards success. Keep calm and measure on!

Download Cheat Sheet

Metrics for Different Product Stages

Welcome to the world of product metrics! Just like people, products go through different stages of life. And guess what? The metrics you track should evolve alongside your product. Here's a breakdown of the most relevant metrics for each product stage, so you can make the right moves at the right time. Not sure which stage your company is in? Download our Company Stage Checklist

A. Early-Stage Products: Baby Steps and Diapers

At this stage, your product is just taking its first steps, and you're still figuring out its place in the world. Focus on metrics that help you validate product-market fit and improve user experience:

  • Time to First Key Action: Get users to experience the "aha!" moment ASAP. The faster they see the value of your product, the more likely they'll stick around.
  • User Feedback: Collect qualitative feedback from early adopters to identify pain points and areas for improvement. No sugar-coating, please!
  • Churn Rate: Keep an eye on churn to identify if there's a mismatch between your product and your target audience. Lower is better, just like the volume of a crying baby at 3 a.m.

B. Growth-Stage Products: The Teenage Years

Your product is growing up fast! At this stage, focus on metrics that help you scale and improve user engagement:

  • Acquisition Channels: Identify the most effective channels for acquiring new users. Double down on the ones that work and ditch the rest.
  • DAU vs. MAU: Track the ratio of daily to monthly active users to understand how often users interact with your product. A higher ratio indicates a more engaged user base.
  • Conversion Rate: Focus on turning more users into paying customers. Experiment with pricing and packaging to find the sweet spot.

C. Mature-Stage Products: Wisdom and Stability

Your product has reached its prime, and it's time to focus on maintaining and optimizing your success. At this stage, prioritize metrics that help you maximize revenue and user satisfaction:

  • Retention Rate: Keep users coming back by identifying and addressing reasons for churn. Loyal users are the backbone of a mature product.
  • ARPU & CLV: Optimize revenue by increasing the average amount users spend and their overall lifetime value. Ka-ching!
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Gauge user satisfaction and loyalty by asking how likely they are to recommend your product to others. Higher scores mean you're doing something right!

And there you have it: a guide to tracking the right metrics for each stage of your product's life cycle. Remember, the key is to adapt your focus as your product grows and matures. Now go forth and conquer, you metric-savvy product manager, you!

Using Metrics to Drive Product Decisions

So, you've got a bunch of fancy metrics all lined up, but how do you actually use them to make better product decisions and guide your product roadmap? Fear not, for we're about to unveil the secret sauce! Follow these steps to turn your data-driven insights into real-world actions and achieve metric mastery.

A. Identifying Areas for Improvement: Sherlock Holmes, Meet Data

Don your detective hat and use your metrics to uncover areas in your product that need some TLC. Look for patterns, trends, and correlations that reveal:

  • Pain points that need immediate attention
  • Opportunities to enhance user experience
  • Bottlenecks that prevent users from reaching their goals

Remember, data doesn't lie, but it can be misleading. Make sure you're interpreting your metrics with context and nuance. Elementary, my dear Watson!

B. Prioritizing Product Features and Enhancements: The Balancing Act

With great data comes great responsibility. Use your newfound insights to prioritize features and enhancements that have the most significant impact on your users and business goals. Some tips to help you juggle priorities:

  • Focus on features that drive engagement, retention, and revenue
  • Consider the cost of implementation and potential ROI
  • Don't forget about quick wins—sometimes, small tweaks can make a big difference

But beware of analysis paralysis! Don't let your quest for perfection hold you back from making decisions.

C. Aligning Teams and Resources for Maximum Impact: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Harness the power of metrics to rally your troops and align teams across the organization. Share your insights and goals to:

  • Ensure everyone's on the same page and working towards a common objective
  • Allocate resources effectively (developers, designers, marketers, you name it!)
  • Foster a data-driven culture where decisions are backed by evidence, not gut feelings

Your metrics are the compass that guides your team to the promised land of product success. All aboard the SS Data-Driven!

D. Measuring Success and Setting Targets: The Finish Line is Just the Beginning

Last but not least, use your metrics to set targets and measure success. Regularly track and review your progress to:

  • Determine if you're hitting your goals or if adjustments are needed
  • Identify areas where you've over- or underperformed
  • Learn from your successes and failures to make better decisions in the future

But remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are great products. Keep iterating, experimenting, and learning from your metrics, and soon enough, you'll be a product decision-making maestro!

Tips for Measuring and Analyzing Product Metrics

Alright, now that we've covered the what and the why of product metrics, let's dive into the how. Here are some tips and tricks to help you measure and analyze your metrics like a pro. Spoiler alert: it's a mix of powerful tools, regular reviews, and a deep understanding of your users!

A. Using Product Analytics Tools: Your Data-Driven Toolbox

Baremetrics Dashboard
Baremetrics Dashboard

Embrace the power of product analytics tools to gather, analyze, and visualize your data. These magical software solutions do the heavy lifting for you, turning raw data into actionable insights. Some popular choices include:

Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, so choose the one that best suits your needs and budget. And remember, with great power comes great responsibility—use your analytics tools wisely!

B. Regularly Reviewing and Adjusting Metrics: Stay Agile, Stay Fresh

Set aside regular intervals to review and adjust your metrics. Why? Because products evolve, and so should your metrics! Keep a finger on the pulse of your product's performance by:

  • Monitoring your metrics on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis (depending on your needs)
  • Identifying trends and anomalies that may signal potential issues or opportunities
  • Adjusting your metrics and targets as your product and business goals evolve

Remember, being agile and responsive is the name of the game in the world of product management.

C. Conducting A/B Tests and Controlled Experiments: The Scientific Method Meets Product Metrics

Unleash your inner scientist and conduct A/B tests and controlled experiments to validate your assumptions and make data-driven decisions. Some tips for effective testing:

  • Develop clear hypotheses for each test
  • Choose appropriate metrics to measure the impact of your changes
  • Ensure your tests are statistically significant (enough data and time)
  • Analyze the results and apply your learnings to future product decisions

Remember, a curious mind and a commitment to experimentation are key ingredients in the recipe for product success!

D. Understanding the Customer Journey and Behaviors: Walk a Mile in Your Users' Shoes

To truly master product metrics, you need to stand your users inside and out. Put on your empathy hat and dive deep into the customer journey and behaviors. Here's how:

  • Map out user flows and touchpoints within your product
  • Analyze metrics for each stage of the user journey to identify areas of friction
  • Talk to your users—conduct interviews, surveys, or usability tests to gather qualitative insights
  • Use the Jobs-to-be-done framework to identify the real needs of your customers

By combining the power of product metrics with a deep understanding of your users, you'll be well on your way to creating products that people love—and keep coming back to!

The Importance of Tying Metrics to Product Strategy

Let's face it—metrics without a solid product strategy are like peklkjanut butter without jelly. Sure, they're okay on their own, but together? Pure magic. Tying your metrics to your product strategy is essential for making informed decisions, gaining buy-in, and ensuring your product is on the right track. Let's explore this dynamic duo further!

A. How Product Metrics Lead to Better Product Decisions: Dancing to the Data

When your metrics and product strategy are in sync, you'll make better product decisions with confidence. Here's how:

  • Use metrics to validate or challenge your product assumptions
  • Identify areas of your product that need love, based on data-driven insights
  • Make informed decisions about resource allocation and prioritization

In short, let your metrics guide your product strategy like a well-choreographed dance routine.

B. Using Metrics to Gain Executive Approval: Get the Green Light with Data

Ever struggled to get buy-in for a new feature or product direction? Metrics to the rescue! By tying your product strategy to data-backed metrics, you'll be able to:

  • Demonstrate the value and potential ROI of your proposed changes
  • Convince skeptics with cold, hard numbers
  • Track and report on the progress and success of your initiatives

Remember, nothing speaks louder than data when it comes to getting the green light from decision-makers.

C. Choosing Metrics that Reflect User Behavior and Align with Business Goals: The Ultimate Balancing Act

The secret sauce to a winning product strategy? Picking metrics that both reflect user behavior and align with your business goals. To achieve this delicate balance:

  • Focus on metrics that truly represent user engagement, satisfaction, and value
  • Ensure your chosen metrics align with your company's strategic objectives and vision
  • Regularly review and adjust your metrics as your product and business goals evolve

Mastering this balancing act will ensure your product strategy is not only user-centric but also drives your business forward.

And there you have it! By tying your metrics to your product strategy, you'll be well on your way to making better product decisions, gaining executive approval, and ensuring your product is a smashing success. Now go forth and let the metrics-strategy tango begin!

Identifying Warning Signs from Product Metrics

Product metrics aren't just for tracking success—they can also serve as an early warning system for potential issues. Think of them as your very own metrics smoke alarm, alerting you to potential problems before they become full-blown fires. Let's dive into how to spot and address these warning signs.

A. How Product Metrics Can Act as Early Warning Signals: The Metrics Crystal Ball

Product metrics, when monitored closely, can reveal issues before they become critical. By keeping an eye on your data, you'll be able to:

  • Identify trends that indicate a drop in user satisfaction or engagement
  • Spot potential bottlenecks or pain points in the user experience
  • Uncover issues with acquisition, retention, or monetization

In essence, your metrics act like a crystal ball, giving you insights into potential problems that need your attention.

B. Examples of Warning Signs and How to Address Them: Putting Out the Metrics Fires

Here are some common warning signs to watch for and ways to address them:

  1. Decreasing user acquisition: Review your marketing strategies and channels, and test new approaches to reach and attract your target audience.
  2. Low activation rates: Assess your onboarding process, and identify any pain points or areas of confusion. Simplify and streamline the user's first experience with your product.
  3. Declining engagement: Examine your feature usage patterns, and consider introducing new features or enhancements that cater to your users' needs and desires.
  4. High churn rate: Investigate the reasons behind users leaving your product, and address these issues by improving the user experience, offering better support, or implementing other retention strategies.

Remember, the key to putting out these metrics fires is to act quickly and decisively, using data-driven insights to guide your actions.

C. The Importance of Monitoring and Responding to These Warning Signs: Keep Your Eyes on the Metrics Prize

Regularly monitoring and responding to warning signs in your product metrics is crucial for maintaining a healthy product. By staying vigilant, you'll be able to:

  • Proactively address issues before they escalate
  • Maintain a high-quality user experience that keeps users coming back
  • Continuously improve and optimize your product, ensuring long-term success

In other words, keeping your eyes on the metrics prize will help you stay one step ahead of potential problems and keep your product on the path to success.

So, listen to your metrics smoke alarm, spot those warning signs, and address them head-on to keep your product healthy, happy, and thriving!

Building a Metrics-Driven Product Culture

A metrics-driven product culture is like a well-tuned orchestra, where everyone plays their part in harmony, guided by the sweet music of data. But how do you turn your organization into a symphony of data-driven decisions? Let's explore the key components of building a metrics-driven product culture that strikes all the right notes.

A. Promoting Data-Driven Decision-Making within the Organization: Let Data Be Your North Star

To embrace a metrics-driven culture, everyone in your organization should be guided by data. Here's how to get everyone on board with data-driven decision-making:

  • Share key product metrics with the entire organization, promoting transparency and a shared understanding of your product's performance
  • Provide training and resources to help teams understand and interpret metrics
  • Encourage teams to use data to back up their ideas, proposals, and decisions

B. Encouraging Cross-Functional Collaboration and Communication: The Metrics Jam Session

Creating a metrics-driven product culture requires close collaboration and communication between different teams. Like a jam session, everyone brings their unique skills and knowledge to the table, riffing off each other's ideas and insights. Foster this collaboration by:

  • Establishing regular cross-functional meetings to discuss product metrics and performance
  • Encouraging open dialogue between teams to share insights, ideas, and challenges
  • Using shared dashboards and tools to make sure everyone is on the same page

C. Fostering a Culture of Continuous Improvement and Learning: Becoming Metrics Virtuosos

In a metrics-driven product culture, continuous improvement and learning are essential. Help your teams become metrics virtuosos by:

  • Celebrating successes, but also embracing failures as opportunities to learn and grow
  • Encouraging experimentation and innovation, guided by data
  • Promoting a growth mindset and a focus on constantly refining and optimizing your product

D. Regularly Reviewing and Adapting Product Metrics: The Metrics Rehearsal

Just like an orchestra constantly fine-tunes their performance, a metrics-driven product culture should regularly review and adapt product metrics. Keep your metrics performance pitch-perfect by:

  • Scheduling periodic reviews to assess the relevance and effectiveness of your current metrics
  • Being open to changing or adjusting metrics as your product and business goals evolve
  • Ensuring that your metrics continue to reflect user behavior and align with your organization's strategic objectives

Building a metrics-driven product culture takes time and effort, but the result is a harmonious organization that uses data to make informed decisions and create products that truly resonate with users. So, unleash your inner data nerd and start conducting your own metrics-driven symphony!

Wrapping It Up

And there you have it – your ultimate guide to product metrics mastery! But before you dash off to crunch some numbers, let's do a quick recap of the key takeaways that'll make your product shine like a diamond.

A. The Importance of Product Metrics in Driving Product Success: The Secret Sauce

Remember, product metrics are the secret sauce for driving product success. By tracking the right metrics, you'll be able to make informed decisions, optimize your product, and ultimately, create a delightful experience for your users. So, embrace the power of product metrics and watch your product soar to new heights!

B. Picking the Right Metrics to Match Product Stage and Goals: Choose Wisely

As we've seen, not all metrics are created equal. It's crucial to pick the right metrics based on your product's stage and goals. Early-stage, growth-stage, and mature-stage products all require different metrics to measure success effectively. So be wise, choose your metrics thoughtfully, and adapt them as your product evolves.

C. Fostering a Metrics-Driven Product Culture for Continuous Improvement and Growth: The Winning Mindset

Lastly, don't forget that a metrics-driven product culture is essential for continuous improvement and growth. By promoting data-driven decision-making, encouraging collaboration, and fostering a culture of learning, you'll create a winning environment where your product can thrive.

So, go forth, brave product managers! Use the insights and tips from this guide to conquer the world of product metrics and achieve the success your product deserves. Now, let's get measuring!

Sebastian Scheerer
Sebastian Scheerer is a tech startup founder, digital product designer, and business consultant. He co-founded Wunderlist as head of design, a platform that earned the title of Apple's App of the Year in 2014 and was later acquired by Microsoft. Additionally, Sebastian co-founded, Germany's premier digital health insurance, renowned for it's industry leading customer satisfaction.

Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products I’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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